VIPP symposium 2010: Seeing Red, final day 21.1.2010

Enoshima, the island of Benzaiten

Speakers’ presentation notes and related discussion forums can be found at:

Moderator: Suvi Kitunen

09.30-10.00 Opening by Antti Raike and Suvi Kitunen: Practical issues (wlan, webcasting etc.)

10.00-10.30 Kirsikka Vaajakallio: Designing with colours

Kirsikka will ground her presentation to her personal experiences as being a color blind person in the color coded world. Thus the presentation will highlight the “users” perspective instead of the designers’ view and try rather to promote discussion than provide academic knowledge.

10.30-11.00 Discussion: How to select the colour chart for the interface

11.00-11.30 Sonja Iltanen-Tähkävuori: Colours, aesthetics, and values

Values are connected to the visual elements of products in at least two ways: designers’ values may become visible in the products, and visual elements may have consequences that raise ethical questions. In this presentation, design of patient clothing is discussed from these perspectives.

11.30-12.00 Discussion: Colours and values

12.00-13.00 LUNCH

13.00-13.30 Akira Sano: Computer Vision (CV) and the future of imaging

Computer vision (CV) is a technology of recognition and analysis images by computers. If computer can watch and recognize images as human do, the possibility of imaging will expand dramatically. Especially in these days, Augmented Reality (AR) has a big progress. I will introduce CV and AR technology and applications, and show some applications which I made.

13.30-13.45 Discussion

13.45-14.30 Markku  Hauta-Kasari: Applications of Spectral Colour Research

In my presentation I will introduce the spectral color research at the University of Eastern Finland from the application point of view. I will show industrial applications in which the spectral color is key technology to solve the color related task. Also the research center called InFotonics Center Joensuu at the University of Eastern Finland will be introduced.

14.30-15.00 Discussion

15.00-15.30 BREAK

15.30-16.00 Lecture by Harald Arnkil: Colours in context

Colour exists only in context, but we are still able to name and conceptualize colour in our heads. How is this done and how accurately can we remember colours? Colour also seems to change constantly in juxtaposition with other colours and with changes in lighting, but we are still able to identify objects by their colour in widely varying situations. In order to fully understand colours’ relativity and constancy, we need to address human ecology and evolution.

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30-17.00 Conclusion by Jussi Lohijoki and Antti Raike: How to visualise the film post-production manual?

Registration: Join the LeMill group for Seeing Red

Read the paper of the final day before the fourth symposium session, please: Blue or Red? Exploring the Effect of Color on Cognitive Task Performances


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9 Responses to “VIPP symposium 2010: Seeing Red, final day 21.1.2010”

  1. Owen Kelly Says:

    My apologies for not being able to stay for the afternoon. My students all returned highly enthusiastic about the presentation on augmented reality.

    The morning sessions were both very useful and well presented. Both of them raised very important issues in ways that had not really occurred to me before. When I asked a few questions they were not questions that I could necessarily have expected to find myself asking – which is always a good sign!

    I hope we can stay in contact because we would be delighted to attend future events and assist in any way we can.


  2. Håkan Mitts Says:

    The Seeing red seminar was my first encounter with studies at TaiK and I must say I was quite taken by the quality of the seminar. Speakers were great and the wide scope of the presentations provided a number of eye openers and “aha-experiences”! Looking forward to the next seminar, only that it will be quite hard to top this one :-)!

  3. Lauri Says:

    I’d very much like to see the rest of the presentations. Is the recorded webcasting going to be available soon?

  4. Kirsikka Says:

    I was happy to participate VIPP symposium and share my experiences of being a color blind person. The discussions afterward indicated how challenging issue colors in design is. However, I believe that DFA and co-design may help the designers to overcome some of the obstacles. Also promoting sensitivity towards colors in design through seminars as VIPP is important to spread the awareness and knowledge concerning colors. Thanks for interesting seminar!

  5. Akira Says:

    I had a very good time at this symposium. Kiitos.
    Unfortunately I could attend some presentations, but I could watch other presentations at streaming.
    By the way, I have a proposition. I feel information about this symposium is a little scattered. If possible, I hope all information will be integrated more.

  6. Diana Says:

    Hi Lauri,

    We have at the moment the recordings from days 19 (third day) and 21 (final day) on Lume website archive: –> arkisto

    The recordings of days 12 and 14 may be available soon – we need to clear some copyright issues first.

  7. Markku Hauta-Kasari Says:

    Thank you very much for inviting me as a speaker to the VIPP symposium. It was very good opportunity to give a talk and to meet researchers. For me, I got new contacts and I am sure we will have cooperation in the future also. I enjoyed the presentations and got new ideas for my research.

  8. Antti Says:

    Thanks Owen. Ask your students to comment too, please.

  9. Esa Laaksonen Says:

    Antti, I have been lazy, please let me now try to answer your question on colour codes (you asked this during Sonja Iltanen-Tähkävuori´s lecture).

    I believe that in the 60s everything was coded, colour coding is connectred to the thinking of post-WWII rationalism. Certainly it had at least some of it roots in bauhaus. In architecture, the Pompidou Centre was a very meaningful work with its colour codings, as well as some hospital buildings (in Oulu, for example here in Finland).
    Thank you for a very mind-evoking seminar!
