Archive for February 3rd, 2010

Guest lecture on Feb 15th 2010: How visualization improves knowledge sharing in teams

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Visiting Professor Martin Eppler (University of St. Gallen) will give an open lecture titled

Science meets Business meets Technology (and a little Art):
How Visualization improves Knowledge Sharing in Teams

on Monday, February 15 at 16.15 – 17.30 in room C350 (Töölö Campus, Main Building).
Professor Eppler is one of the top international professors invited by Aalto University to offer a course open to all Aalto students this spring. His course “Knowledge Communication & Visualization” is lectured in January-February. All Aalto faculty and students interested in the power of visuals are WELCOME to attend the lecture and discuss knowledge communication and knowledge sharing.

More information

Leena Louhiala-Salminen (at hse dot fi)
Professor (acting), International Business Communication