Guest lecture on Feb 15th 2010: How visualization improves knowledge sharing in teams

Visiting Professor Martin Eppler (University of St. Gallen) will give an open lecture titled

Science meets Business meets Technology (and a little Art):
How Visualization improves Knowledge Sharing in Teams

on Monday, February 15 at 16.15 – 17.30 in room C350 (Töölö Campus, Main Building).
Professor Eppler is one of the top international professors invited by Aalto University to offer a course open to all Aalto students this spring. His course “Knowledge Communication & Visualization” is lectured in January-February. All Aalto faculty and students interested in the power of visuals are WELCOME to attend the lecture and discuss knowledge communication and knowledge sharing.

More information

Leena Louhiala-Salminen (at hse dot fi)
Professor (acting), International Business Communication

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